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The modernization of the T-15 tokamak requires a detailed study of electromagnetic diagnostic system [1]. The minimum required number of probes used to determine the boundary of the plasma with a given accuracy is in operation. Measurement error is taken as the calculation parameter and varies in the range from 0 to 3%. The analysis is conducted on the basis of one of the possible discharge scenarios in the T-15 upgrade tokamak, calculated using TOKSCEN and DINA numerical modules taken from the "Virtual Tokamak" codes library (plasma-fusion.ru). The current increase stage is analyzed partially and stationary discharge stage (total current of 1.4 to 2 MA) is analyzed at full measure. Recovery of the plasma boundary is performed using the RPB (Reconstruction of Plasma Boundary) code [2] under the condition that the probes location is on the first wall of the vacuum chamber. This work was supported by grants from Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 14-07-00483-a, 14-07-00912-a), Russian Scientific Foundation (project 14-22- 00193). References: 1. Melnikov A.V. et al. Physical program and diagnostics of the T-15 upgrade tokamak (brief overview). – Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97 (2015), pp.306-310. 2. Zotov I.V. et al. Problems Of Atomic Science and Engineering. Ser. Thermonuclear Fusion, 38 (2015), N 2, pp.51-61.