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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
In the present report, a basic concept of tools, measurement technique and new mathematical models underlying data processing in ionospheric and solar wind occultation experiments are outlined envisioning their possible realization on the Venera-D mission. In particular, it is proved by solving numerically a rigid diffractional task adapted to typical conditions of ionospheric occultation experiments on Venus that the signals passed through a stratified and spherically symmetrical ionosphere must have a linear relationship between variations of frequency and intensity. A novel approach - which might be called a backward ‘inverse’ Doppler technique - to the solar wind dynamic structure monitoring, evaluation of sizes of inhomogeneities and their speed applicable to the interferometric occultation of the solar wind is presented. Relation of the new technique to the Shannon’s information theory is discussed. All the new concepts discussed in the report are supported by an appropriate mathematical justification and experimental confirmation as well as comparisons with related classical approaches in order to highlight their advances and validity range. Based on the proposed concepts and models optimal parameters of the radio-frequency subsystem are defined and discussed in the light of crucial lack of new data experimental about the Venusian atmosphere-ionosphere interaction. Analysis of the information potential of the forward and backward occultation is also presented and it is noted that the backward occultation experiments (with transmitters on Earth) made with optimally matched parameters of a sapce-born radio-frequency subsystem and using the new data processing techniques may pave the way to new and important findings both in the Venusian ionosphere and solar wind.