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Diffraction by a thin cone attracts considerable attention of researchers. Several different approaches exist to developing both asymptotics of the diffracted field and the diffracted field itself. First, there is a traditional asymptotic approach based on ray representation \cite{Popov}. Second, there is an approach based on the parabolic equation method \cite{Andronov}. Third, there is an approach based on the boundary integral equation method for the parabolic equation in Cartezian coordinates \cite{Shanin}. Also, there is an approach based on the Smyshlyaev's formula \cite{Smychlyaev}, and an approach based on Kontorovich-Lebedev integral representation \cite{Lyalinov}. All these methods are mathematically complicated, and the question about which one works better is still open. In this work, a direct diffraction experiment is used to measure the diffracted field on the surface of a thin cone and in its penumbral zone. The experiment is performed using MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) method. The results of the experiment are compared with those calculated using the existing methods. The work is supported by the RSF grant 14-22-00042.