Войти в систему Регистрация |
Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Detectors of transient events (duration of 1-128 msec) in near ultraviolet (240-400 nm UV) and red-infrared (>610 nm red-IR) ranges on board the “Universitetsky-Tatiana-2” for 2 years work detected more than 2500 flashes. Global distribution of transient evens depends on number of photons radiated in the atmosphere. Ratio of photons number emitted in UV and red –IR range, related to excitation of molecular nitrogen, indicates high altitude (50 – 80 km) of origin detected events. Series of every minute transient (from 3 to 16 transients in the series) were observed in one orbit. Remarkable is detection of transients out of thunderstorm area.