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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
More than 2,000 technical presentations—in about 340 sessions—report on the latest innovations on 20+ aviation and aerodynamic research topics that will drive advances in aviation. Close to 3,000 participants—including about 600 students—from hundreds of international government, academic, and private institutions offer scores of opportunities for collaboration and discussion. Meet the next generation of aerospace leaders. Understand how unmanned aerial systems are catalysts for autonomy, robotics, and machine intelligence, and are changing the nature of civil and military aviation. Cybersecurity experts will cut through the clutter to address cybersecurity issues specific to the aviation enterprise. Discover the advances in electric flight. Talk with those who are developing the next generation of supersonic flight. Learn how development and implementation of today’s technology will drive the future of civil, military, and unmanned aviation. Hear from general aviation leaders who are innovating, designing, and testing within a new regulatory structure. Celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of extraordinary individuals and teams. Mingle with yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's leaders in the field of aviation.