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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
MARE-Marine Environmental Sciences Centre, University of Évora together with International Association of Meiobenthologists are proud to welcome the 17th International Meiofauna Conference (SeventIMCO). The SeventIMCO is the major assembly to present and share advances in meiofaunal research and this year-2019 it became a historical meiofauna conference celebrating 50 years (1969-2019) anniversary. This year, 7 keynote presentations, 74 oral presentations and 78 poster presentations are included in the program, which are distributed over 34 countries and 125 corresponding authors. Their contributions are distributed by the following themes, representing emerging topics that meiofauna research: • Advances in taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography. • Meiofauna biodiversity patterns and ecosystem interactions (including Freshwater, Estuarine Coastal and Ocean, Deep sea and Frontiers ecosystems) • Meiofauna in a changing world: meiofauna response to natural and anthro pogenic pressures. • Methodologic advances in meiofaunal studies: New tools and analytical and experimental approaches. • Meiofauna and Science communication to Society