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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
<interact> 2012 took place at the Ludgwig Maximilians Universität, Munchen. The symposium hosted 400 registered participants and over 100 scientific contributions. Over the last five years the <interact> symposium has established a platform for young scientists to present their scientific work and to extend their network. The 2012 symposium was subdivided into parallel sessions framed by short methodological sessions and poster presentations. The highlights of the symposium included keynote lectures by Ada Yonath, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009 for solving the ribosome structure, and by Gero Miesenböck who did pioneering work in the new field of optogenetics. To celebrate the 5th year of <interact>, for the first time, a special pre-event was held in the relaxing atmosphere of the Old City Hall. The pre-event speaker, Herbert Jäckle, Vice-President of the Max Planck Society, gave an inspiring outlook towards “Science in the 2050,” and was followed by a reception. <interact> 2012 ended with the traditional symposium party which gave young scientists the opportunity to foster communication and discussion about their scientific work, exchange ideas and get valuable input.