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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Organizers: Institute of English Studies, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw Patronage of the Conference: POLISH ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS (PTLS) The purpose of this conference is to create a forum for discussions on changes in the perception of cultural and linguistic identities in an academic environment. It aims to explore the evolution of communication styles taking place in today’s globalized and multicultural societies. We invite representatives from the departments of humanities and social sciences who are interested in exchanging theoretical and practical approaches to these phenomena and processes: on a global, national or regional level; from disciplinary, intercultural, cognitive and educational perspectives. Therefore, the conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from the fields of anthropocentric linguistics; anthropological linguistics; linguistic anthropology; identity and cultural studies; SLA, ESP and English as a lingua franca. PROBLEMS FOR DISCUSSION The themes that will be discussed and analyzed during the conference will be related broadly to the following issues: • Multiple identities and Englishes in academic communication • Interdisciplinarity, and the structure and functions of academic texts • Multiculturalism: theoretical and practical challenges • Identity negotiation in cultural and academic contexts; cross-cultural perspectives • English as a lingua franca and ‘national’ discourses