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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
The Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Radiation Chemistry: Radiation Driven Processes in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Industry, is the premier small-format meeting focused on the chemical and physical science of ionizing radiation since 1953. The overarching objective of this conference is to catalyze the interchange of new ideas and recent discoveries within the basic radiation sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology, and to facilitate translating this knowledge to applications in medicine and industry. Bridging knowledge between scientific disciplines and translating that knowledge to key areas of applied radiation science is a challenge that is excellently met by the GRC on Radiation Chemistry. Capitalizing on its traditional interdisciplinary platform, a major goal of this GRS/GRC is to both educate and promote the next generation of scientists interested in radiation-driven processes. A new approach to meeting this goal is sponsorship of the GRS, which provides an opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to independently organize a meeting that will foster interactions between the young investigators. The GRS, thereby, establishes a camaraderie that extends into the GRC and increases opportunities for young investigators to interact with leaders in all of the radiation science fields. To promote this interaction, the GRC features a "Young Investigators Session" that is designed to showcase early career scientists by giving them an opportunity to present and discuss their work with a diverse audience populated with leaders in fields that span all of the radiation sciences. The GRS, which is organized, run, and attended, only by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, is held 1 day prior to the GRC. There will be 4 sessions encompassing a minimum of 4 topics selected to complement and augment the topics presented during the GRC. The GRC is organized, and run by established scientists, but attended by both the established and young scientists. The 9 topics for the GRC are: “From Energy Absorption to Disease”, “Biodosimetry after a Radiological Incident,” “Track Structure and Low Energy Electrons,” “Free Radical Processes in DNA and Proteins,” “Irradiated Polymers for Industrial/ Medical Applications,” “Space Radiation Chemistry/Biology,” “Nuclear Power and Waste Management,” “Nanoparticles and Surface Interfaces”, and the “Young Investigator” session.