Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere"сборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Morning Polar Substorms and Their Possible Mid-Latitude Effects
Kleimenova N.G.,
Despirak I.V.,
Malysheva L.M.,
Gromova L.I.,
Gromov S.V.,
Lubchich A.A.,
Guineva V.,
Werner R.
в сборнике Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere", место издания Primorsko, с. 35-40
Temporal and Latitudinal Distribution of anti-Hale Active Regions in the Synthetic Solar Cycle, ”,, 2022, 4 - 9
Zhukova A.V.,
Khlystova A.I.,
Abramenko V.I.,
Sokoloff D.D.
в сборнике Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere", место издания Primorsko, с. 4-9