Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes - 3 (ISWAMP-3). Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 July 2015. Program and Abstracts of invited and contributed papersсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Affinity of the angular distributions of the first- and second-step electrons in two-photon sequential double ionization
Gryzlova E.V. ,
Grum-Grzhimailo A.N. ,
Staroselskaya E.I. ,
Strakhova S.I.
в сборнике Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes - 3 (ISWAMP-3). Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 July 2015. Program and Abstracts of invited and contributed papers , место издания European XFEL Hamburg, Germany , тезисы, с. 32-32
Characterization of the auto-ionization process in Ne II
Carpeggiani P.A. ,
Berrah N. ,
Devetta M. ,
LaForge A. ,
Ovcharenko Y. ,
Llyamaev Y. ,
Callegari C. ,
Prince K. ,
Reduzzi M. ,
Dubroil A. ,
Facciala D. ,
Negro M. ,
Frassento F. ,
Gryzlova E.V. ,
Grum-Grzhimailo A.N. ,
Ueda K. ,
Sansone G.
в сборнике Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes - 3 (ISWAMP-3). Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 July 2015. Program and Abstracts of invited and contributed papers , место издания European XFEL Hamburg, Germany , тезисы, с. 23-23
Circular dichroism in two-color multi-photon ionization of rare gases
Mazza T. ,
Ilchen M. ,
Rafipoor A.J. ,
Callegari C. ,
Finetti P. ,
Plekan O. ,
Prince K.C. ,
Richter R. ,
Danailov M.B. ,
Demidovich A. ,
De Ninno G. ,
Grazioli C. ,
Ivanov R.,
Mahne N. ,
Raimondi L. ,
Svetina C. ,
Avaldi L. ,
Bolognesi P. ,
Coreno M. ,
O'Keeffe P. ,
Fraia M.Di ,
Devetta M. ,
Ovcharenko Y. ,
Moller Th ,
Lyamayev V. ,
Stienkemeier F. ,
Dusterer S. ,
Ueda K. ,
Costello J.T. ,
Gryzlova E.V. ,
Grum-Grzhimailo A.N. ,
Kazansky A.K. ,
Kabachnik N.M. ,
Meyer M.
в сборнике Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes - 3 (ISWAMP-3). Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 July 2015. Program and Abstracts of invited and contributed papers , место издания European XFEL Hamburg, Germany , тезисы, с. 41-41
Coherent control experiments with the Free Electron Laser FERMI
Prince K.C. ,
Allaria E. ,
Callegari C. ,
Cucini R. ,
De_Ninno G. ,
Di_Mitri S. ,
Diviacco B. ,
Ferrari E. ,
Finetti P. ,
Gauthier D. ,
Giannessi L. ,
Mahne N. ,
Penco G. ,
Plekan O. ,
Raimondi L. ,
Rebernik P. ,
Roussel E. ,
Svetina C. ,
Trovo M. ,
Zangrando M. ,
Carpeggiani P. ,
Reduzzi M. ,
Sansone G. ,
Grum-Grzhimailo A.N. ,
Gryzlova E.V. ,
Strakhova S.I. ,
Bartschat K. ,
Iablonskyi D. ,
Kumagai Y. ,
Takanashi T. ,
Ueda K. ,
Fischer A. ,
Stienkemeier F. ,
Ovcharenko E. ,
Mazza T. ,
Meyer M.
в сборнике Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes - 3 (ISWAMP-3). Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 July 2015. Program and Abstracts of invited and contributed papers , место издания European XFEL Hamburg, Germany , тезисы, с. 31-31